Chapter 64: Hera?
Chapter 64: Hera?
Lets go! Zhou Qianlin had become a natural sitting on the back seat of the bicycle. Lan Jue pushed the bike forward off the tip of his toes.
Lan Jue was garbed in simple attire; blue jeans, white leisure shoes and a white shirt. Simple and stylish.
Sitting behind him, Zhou Qianlin asked, How long have you been waiting?
Only a little bit, he replied.
Whens your second class?
Actually there wont be a second class for a little while, Lan Jue said. I was actually just going to tell you, Im afraid Im going to have to play hookie for a little while.
Huh? Zhou Qianlin shot a confused gaze at his back.
He continued. Theres a matter I have to deal with. I was just at the teaching affairs office asking for leave.
For a moment she was speechless, but eventually found her voice. You have one class, then ask for leave? Arent you afraid the school will dismiss you?
Lan Jue smiled bitterly at the road before him. They wouldnt go so far as to dismiss me. But the Dean Wus face certainly wasnt pretty.
Zhou Qianlin chuckled. Director Wus face is usually like that. But if youre just going to leave like that what about your bodyguard responsibilities?
This is also something I wanted to ask you about. What do you think? This is a very important matter, something I have to handle in person. I have to head out to another planet so itll be a while.
A tremor of anxiety thrilled through Zhou Qianlins eyes. How long?
If there arent any troubles, about a month, he said.
Zhou Qianlin fell silent.
Lan Jue didnt speak either, and the atmosphere became somber.
Im sorry! I really am a person of my word, but I really do have something that I must deal with. Well just add the time to my service. However long Im gone, well add that much time. And Ill find someone else to look after you during this time. You definitely wont be in any danger.
Zhou Qianlin shook her head. I dont need anyone else to look after me. Well just postpone the time.
Hey, since when did you become so pliable? Lan Jue was quite surprised at the change.
She huffed at him. Im not in the mood to haggle with you. But I need your guarantee, whatever youre doing cant interfere with your teaching qualifications. Otherwise doing your job is going to become much harder.
Not a problem, he said without hesitation.
With the atmosphere once more light-hearted they continued, but a touch of anxiety still lingered in Zhou Qianlins beautiful jade-green eyes. On the occasions her eyes landed upon Lan Jue, their depths grew even more complicated.
It didnt matter how strong Lan Jues genetic talent was, he couldnt see the changes in those beautiful eyes.
The trip to Skyfire Avenue from the school wasnt a short one. The sky had already grown dark by the time they arrived.
Lan Jue dismounted the bike just outside of the Avenue. Even though the bike was man-powered, it was stilled considered machinery and thus was banned from use in Skyfire Avenue. But it could be pushed in, since it was after all an antique.
As a councilman, he also had the authority to bring normal people in without incident.
Passing along the brick-lined, elegant simplicity of the Avenue caused Zhou Qianlin to swing her eyes every which way in curiosity.
Theyre beautiful. She couldnt help the tones of amazement in her voice.
Lan Jues face betrayed a small smile. The pride of Skyfire Avenue.
Its deserved. What are we eating tonight?
First weve got to change clothes, Lan Jue said.
She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, wide-eyed. You really prepared clothes for me?
Thats how reliable I am!
Zhou Qianlin snorted a sarcastic laugh. Youre such a sweetheart.
If youd give me back those clothes I lent you that night, itd be even better, Lan Jue probed.
Zhou Qianlin raised her pretty brows. Those are my sisters, not yours! Can you wear them? If you can fit then Ill give it back.
Lan Jues mouth curled in to a frown. Forget I said anything
The whole of Skyfire Avenue stretched two thousand and eighty meters. It wasnt long before the sapphire door of Zeus Jewelry Shop appeared before them.
Compared to the other places, your shop is hideous. Zhou Qianlin sneered at the door.
Just missing a little of that rustic charm, he said helplessly.
Ding ding ding! The bells above the door heralded their entrance.
Hello and welco- came Keers fair voice in greeting, though the final word caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon them. They grew large in disbelief.
What is it, Keer? Xiuxiu stopped tidying to look up at the sound of Keers strange voice. In an instant she, too, was as stupefied as her co-worker. For a moment her pretty face looked like she had a stroke. She looked almost frightened.
H-hera? Keer and Xiuxiu called out, almost on top of one another. Their disbelief was so strong that they feared even speaking her name might make her disappear.
Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin stood shoulder to shoulder. His voice raised slightly as he spoke. Finally it isnt just me who thinks that. Let me introduce you, this is Zhou Qianlin. Heras little sister. Theyre just very similar. Qianlin, these two are my work partners, Xiuxiu and Keer.
Zhou Qianlin gave them both a shy smile. Hello.
The two women still hadnt totally recovered. They exchanged glances, still unsure of what stood before them.
You.. you really arent Hera? Keer asked.
Zhou Qianlin gave a small laugh. Im Zhou Qianlin. A student at National Eastern University.
Keer pat her chest. When she spoke a tinge of fear still lingered. Oh that scared me! I was going to say, how could Hera survive standing on an exploding planet!
Keer! Xiuxiu caught Lan Jues dark expression, hurrying to shut her up.
Keer instantly became aware of her mistake, wincing and sticking out her tongue in embarrassment. Hi, miss Zhou, please come in.
Lan Jue huffed a small sigh and helplessly shook his head. Xiuxiu, please bring miss Zhou to the back. Ive already prepared some clothes for her. Please have her change. Ive invited her to eat at the Gourmets tonight.
Right away. Xiuxiu dropped her head respectfully, motioning for Zhou Qianlin to follow.
Zhou Qianlin followed on her heels. Watching her leave, Keer then quickly jumped to Lan Jues side. She put on her gossip voice. Boss! Miss Zhou really isnt Hera? Shes really her sister?
Lan Jue forced a smile. What do you think? If she were Hera, Id be happier than anyone. Unfortunately thats not the case.
Keer leaned in, speaking cryptically. Youve been so different lately boss. Youve been in a better mood. Its because of her, isnt it?
Eh? Lan Jues eyes narrowed at her.