Chapter 63: Shattered Starfields
Chapter 63: Shattered Starfields
Boss, according to the information from the man called Oliver, Ive narrowed the location of the Mundus vein to somewhere in this region. Mika pushed her glasses further up on her nose, lending her a distinctly intellectual appearance.
A curtain of pale yellow light appeared before Lan Jue and the four women. The orb it created was alive with twinkling lights a star map.
It must be there. The Shattered Starfields. Lan Jue narrowed his brow.
The Shattered Starfields. It was a place Zeus and his Four Amazons were intimately familiar with.
It was situated in the very center of humanitys three Great Alliances. By size alone it was larger than any one of the Alliances. It effectively cut off each from the other, requiring a wormhole to circumnavigate.
The interior was riddled with asteroid belts, each of them unstable. They moved without rhyme or reason. Whats more, strange planets resided within. The Three they were called, nestled within the depths of the belts themselves.
But there was more than these three planets and their belts, of course. A multitude of smaller planets could also be found. They were also unsafe and unstable, damaged from repeatedly passing through the shifting asteroid belts.
It was this instability, and the very real danger of destruction that ensured no large-scale airship ever dared sail through.
It was also why the Shattered Starfields had become a pirates playground. Larger ships were unable to pass, but smaller ships could traverse without incident owing to their increased maneuverability and the experience of their pilots. The three large planets hidden amidst the asteroid curtains were all hearth and home to pirates.
Pirate clans both large and small dominated the area. The smallest counted barely a hundred strong, while the largest could be separated in to several divisions. The largest were housed on the three main planets, but the smaller ones also were home to smaller pirate clans. The more stable the planet, obviously, the more powerful the clan it was home to.
The Moonfiend Pirates were the first among the buccaneers. Their Moonfiend Empress was also known among them as the greatest of the Pirate Kings. Her strength and reputation is what allowed for those like Gao Yong to give in to their arrogance, and attempt to assault Skyfire Avenue.
Lan Jue looked upon three planets Mika had narrowed their search too. His face grew darker still. If we want to go to any of those, well have to visit the Three first to resupply. They also keep moving, so well need to find a specific bearing to get to them. Well need accurate starmaps from the Three to proceed.
Mika nodded. Of course. So to find the Mundus vein well need supplies and maps from the Three, then we can get started. In my estimation the collision from the asteroid belts, and the friction it causes, would lead to the creation of all sorts of material. We should find a sizable vein.
Xiuxius apprehensive voice chimed in. Even assuming we find it, extracting it will be no small problem. After all the starfields are pirate territory.
Lan Jues pensive expression shifted, and he smiled. It will indeed, but well have some help there. The Keeper and I have entered in to arrangement, sharing the proceeds. Hes sure to lend some aid.
That old scientist? Lin Guoguo sounded taken aback.
Lan Jue nodded. Were all denizens of the Avenue, arent we? It would be rude not to share.
Keer stuck out her lower lip in defiance. We dont need Skyfire Avenues protection anyway.
Lan Jue only smiled, but Xiuxiu gave her a reprimanding poke.
Lin Guoguo went on. Boss, give the word. When are we heading out?
Lan Jue shut off the projector and turned to face the four girls. Are we really all going? Were leaving no one to keep shop?
The women each looked at one another, but it was Xiuxiu who eventually dropped her head and spoke. I can stay, boss.
Mika wrapped her arm around Xiuxius shoulder. Stop being such a goodie-goodie already. It makes it hard to tease you.
Keer spoke up. Dont tease sister Xiuxiu!
Lin Guoguo winked an eye. We have to pass out of the alliance, three million kilometers from the planet before we can jump through a wormhole and passed the alliance defenders. Then well have to jump again through the collapsing wormhole. Then well be in range of the Shattered Starfield. Well need seven days to get there, then considering travel within the system and a return flight, were looking at twenty-five days to a month so long as we dont run in to any problems. Closing the shop for a month isnt so long.
Thats right! Keer vigorously nodded her head.
Fine, Lan Jue said. Start preparing. Since were all leaving, well leave as early as we can. Tomorrow morning.
The women each looked at each other, their pretty eyes filled with excitement. Thank you boss, the spoke in unison.
Mika: Ill make sure we stick to the plan.
Lin Guoguo: Ill prepare the airship.
Keer: Ill be responsible for supplies.
Xiuxiu: Ive got the equipment and resource assignment.
Seeing the girls so excited caused Lan Jues smile to grow brighter. This is all on us. Our own mission. Well call it Operation Crystal Incursion.
Yeah, the girls answered together. It was like theyd all changed, a fire roiling in the depths of their pretty eyes.
Yes! Zeus Amazons. Three years of waiting, three years of silence. The sleeping giant was finally awakening. How could they not be excited? It was as though the universe had suddenly opened up before them.
They each had the urge to shout it towards the heavens. Zeus is back!
It was afternoon, and already the sunlight wasnt as dazzling as it had been in the morning. The sun had begun its trek to the horizon, and below it studies had begun to end for the day in the National Eastern University. Zhou Qianlin and Tang Mi were making their way from the campus.
Where are you heading to tonight anyway, Qianlin? Why arent you leaving with me? Tang Mi asked in curiosity.
Im going to the beautician with mother, Qianlin answered. Shes coming to pick me up. You can go ahead and head out first.
Tang Mi continued suspiciously. Skin like yours and youre still going to a beautician? If thats the case what am I supposed to do? Anyway, Ill head out then. I dont know what my brothers been up to either. Yesterday he let someone beat him to a pulp, and today he didnt even bother to come to school. Ill go home and look for him.
Alright, Ill see you later.
Zhou Qianlin began walking. Five hundred meters later she saw a familiar antique bicycle.