Quy định đổi trả
Quy định đổi trả
Chúng tôi KHÔNG chấp nhận trả lại hàng sau khi đã mua hàng. .
Nếu bạn đã mua chappter hoặc truyện , chúng tôi không thể hoàn lại tiền cho bạn hoặc trao đổi.
Để theo dõi tình trạng của bạn, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi tại: hotline 0869 609 906 hoặc email: [email protected]
An ordinary high school boy named Max is in his basement watching porn and masturbating. When suddenly, a pop-up ad covered the whole screen!
Congratulations! You won as the first person to watch porn 10000 times. You are hereby granted a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Do you want to change your fate?
Do you want to have sex with real women?
Do you want to get rich?
Do you want to be popular?
Stop watching porn and SIGN UP now in our Universal Lust System!
by Alien Universe
Do you want to Sign Up?
[YES] [NO]
WTF is this? Ads? What’s this thing saying?! So annoying! Sign up? This is just a scam!
*tries to click ‘NO’*
*accidentally clicked ‘YES’*
Thank you for Signing Up!
Hope you have a fun time!
- Alien Universe
“What? ARRGGGHHHHH! It hurts!” Max holds his head with both hands. *faints*
Welcome to The Lust System!
[Level: 1]
[Points: 0]
[Women Conquered]