Chapter 77
Chapter 77: Star of the Absolute (2) Muyoung slightly bent his eyebrows.
Not here? Then, where were they going to fight?
By looking at the reaction around him, it seemed like forfeit was unprecedented.
Oloness was thought to be one of the strongest to the point where his opponents would forfeit.
Also, there was no doubt in their minds that opponents of Oloness would either die or meet a fate similar to death.
Then, why?
The guy doesnt know me.
Muyoung was certain.
Oloness was a devil. The one who used to serve the 3rd seat Vassago.
However, there was no one in the Underworld who knew of Muyoungs existence yet.
Since it was unlikely for the Demon Gods, Demon Kings and the transcendental beings to care about the current Muyoung.
Above all, Muyoung was able to more clearly differentiate between truths and lies after awakening to his purity.
It meant that he was able to detect others emotions no matter how weak they were.
And the emotions contained in Olonesss words were close to curiosity.
Curiosity. The desire to study someone else!
Did he notice my change?
Muyoung broke through his limits when he awakened.
He didnt just break through but he achieved what should have been impossible at this stage.
However, none of the monsters in the arena noticed Muyoungs change.
It seemed like only Oloness noticed that Muyoung had gotten stronger.
After his awakening, there were times when his gaze reached Muyoung.
Also, although it was only one sentence, it included a desire to win along with curiosity.
It seems a larger stage is needed.
Muyoung nodded.
It didnt seem like he was trying to avoid fighting him.
If Oloness wanted to fight magnificently on a much large stage, Muyoung didnt have a reason to refuse.
Rumors about Muyoung quickly spread.
10 consecutive wins. He now had the authority to move to the next floor.
However, he received more attention by being the only dokkaebi to get Oloness to forfeit.
And it seemed like the old dwarf also heard of this rumor.
Is it true that Oloness forfeited?
His eyes were bloodshot. He looked at Muyoung as if he couldnt believe it.
The reason for his actions was obvious.
Among monsters, the status of dokkaebis was known to be poor.
Even if there were duaxinis, only a very few existed. Dokkaebis were monsters that just wandered on the edges of the land.
So they were waiting for the appearance of the strong Oom.
It was amazing that Muyoung won all his fights but no one thought that Oloness would forfeit.
On the other hand, they thought Oloness would completely destroy Muyoung.
Youre right.
As Muyoung confirmed it, the old dwarf pushed his body close to the bars.
Oloness has never forfeited from a fight. It was probably because he was afraid and ran away!
The old dwarf was desperate.
It was because Oloness was the sworn enemy who killed his son.
That was why he wanted to believe that was the case but Muyoung denied it.
He didnt run away. However, since Oloness avoided me, I have no choice.
The best way to get the Three Pickaxe Sack Alliance to forge an equipment for him was to bring the old dwarf in front of him.
If the old dwarf was to help Muyoung, things could be easily solved.
If it was possible, Muyoung was planning on having the work done personally by the owner of the alliance, Bartas the Gods Hammer.
However, to do this, he needed the death of Oloness.
If Oloness kept avoiding him, there was no way to do that.
The old dwarf shook his head.
No, starting from the 2nd floor you could forcefully choose your opponent. If you refuse, you become a slave. By knowing his personality, he would rather die than become a slave.
If its like that then its a good thing. Just wait.
Muyoung turned his body.
He only came to the slave store to listen to the old dwarfs opinion.
To see if his current attitude was same as when they first met.
Thankfully, it didnt seem like his heart had changed.
Take, take me! If you truly want to kill him, you will need my help.
The moment he was about to leave, the old dwarf yelled.
When he looked back at the old dwarf, he opened his mouth again.
At first, I was unsure. I thought you were joking with me. But, that wasnt true. You are the real deal. My last hope!
His madness disappeared.
Instead, he passionately delivered his speech to persuade Muyoung.
If you are planning on fighting continuously, it is crucial that you maintain your equipment. And in terms of repairing equipment, there arent many who can follow me. Please let me help you. Use the equipment I fix to cut his head off.
Thump! Thump!
The old dwarf banged his head.
He truly did see hope through Muyoung.
Up until now, to obtain his services, many sweet-talked him but they were all liars.
There was no one who could fight against Oloness. Instead, they were busy running away.
However, the dokkaebi in front of him was different.
If Oloness himself avoided Muyoung, that was enough for him to assist him with his heart and soul.
If the weapon he worked on pierced through Olonesss neck, there couldnt be a more satisfying revenge.
Muyoung just stood there and looked at the old dwarf.
Actually, there are quite a lot of equipment that are losing their durability.
There were no species that could match a dwarfs craftsmanship. Even more, since he said he was an expert on maintenance, it seemed perfect to ask him to work on it.
Since Muyoung still had to fight at least a dozen times, it wouldnt be bad to receive some help.
He slowly approached the cage.
As Muyoung nodded, with a clank!, the bars started to go down.
Afterwards, the old dwarfs forehead was branded with Muyoungs name.
It was the branding of a slave.
It wouldnt be odd to see a dwarf commit suicide after getting branded as they were monsters with very large egos.
However, let alone commit suicide, the old dwarf kneeled in front of Muyoung.
My name is Kalmooh. The top blacksmith of the Gold Hammer tribe.
His way of speaking had also changed.
Just because a slave was branded, didnt mean you earned their respect.
All it did was add force to the owners words and made it so that they wouldnt be able to physically harm their owner.
It wasnt a devoted attitude but they were willing to follow.
Afterwards, Kalmoohs eyes sparkled.
If, you kill Oloness, my life is
I dont need it.
An instant reply.
Kalmooh made an odd expression.
However, Muyoung specified what Kalmooh needed to do.
You fix and I fight. Thats all you need to focus on.
Him devoting his life or not, that was a later matter.
However, Kalmooh smiled at Muyoungs cold response.
As if he chose the right person to follow.
Leave it to me.
Using the rest of the onz, he purchased the equipment Kalmooh needed.
It wasnt a bad investment if he thought about how Kalmooh was going to constantly use it.
On top of that, if a blacksmith sincerely repaired an existing equipment, there was even a chance for the abilities of the equipment to become reinforced even further.
I need to see Kalmoohs skills.
The problem was that those cases were very rare.
It was creating something from nothing. It was only possible for very skilled dwarves.
Kalmooh said it himself that he was the top blacksmith.
It seemed like he could wait in anticipation.
Besides Anguish which was unrepairable, Muyoung handed over all his equipment for maintenance.
Your armor is worn out. It only lasted this far because the skills of the person that made this equipment was exceptional.
Almost all the equipment Muyoung wore were earned from the trials.
It wasnt strange for them to be old.
On top of that, since he never entrusted them to anyone else, the durability of the Lunatic Sovereigns Set decreased by quite a bit.
Will you be able to repair it?
Leave it to me. I will show you my skills.
Kalmooh lifted his hammer confidently.
Clank! Clank! Clank!
Kalmooh moved his hands at a consistent rhythm.
The work continued for a long time.
It took about 12 hours to fix one.
Yet, Kalmooh didnt rest. Without faltering and with a high degree of concentration, he just hammered endlessly.
After a good 5 days, Kalmooh with his pale face showed the repaired equipment to Muyoung.
They are done.
To be honest, after looked at the finished product, Muyoung was surprised.
Muyoung hadnt seen a lot of dwarves but among them, Kalmoohs skills were good enough to be recognized as top class.
The equipment he left with him seemed new.
In fact, the durability of a few pieces of equipment had actually risen.
The stats of the Shadow Armor has changed.
More surprisingly, the Shadow Armor had changed.
Name: Shadow Armor
Rank: B+
Classification: Equipable Type
Durability: 22,000
Effect: By blacksmith Kalmooh, the equipment has been enhanced.
*Agility +5
*It allows you to teleport to a shadow within your vision 3 times a day.
Agility +5 was a stat that didnt exist previously.
He really did produce something from nothing.
It was something most experts couldnt do.
I look forward to working with you.
Kalmooh smiled as he looked Muyoungs expression.
Muyoung left the 5th floor and headed for the 4th.
As he followed the directions of the living armor and entered the arena, around 10 monsters were fiercely fighting each other.
It is possible to have up to 5 vs. 5 fights on the 4th floor. Of course, you can fight alone but its normally better to find comrades. But, you still need to watch your back. Even if they are on the same side, they can always betray you.
Kalmooh gave Muyoung some advice.
He was a slave and would have had to follow even if Muyoung treated him like an object.
Muyoungs eyes turned to look at the arena once more.
Active, Block! Active. A bit stronger!
There was someone who caught his eyes.
During the 5 days, Muyoung was getting his equipment repaired, Bug seemed to have achieved his 10th win and had headed for the 4th floor.
3 people were with him.
It seemed like they were his comrades who came with him.
They were so well-coordinated with each other that they were able to win the fight without many injuries.
Their coordination is good.
After leaving a short comment, he was about to leave.
However, he stopped momentarily when he saw who appeared next.
O, Oloness!
Kalmooh ground his teeth.
It was because Oloness appeared in the arena alone.
On the other hand, his opponents were five male dark elves.
Even if you are a slaughterer, you cant beat all five of us alone.
The weak ones always say those words when they group up.
The dark elves were known to be a species with high agility.
They immediately surrounded Oloness when the fight began.
However, it was pointless.
As Oloness bared his teeth, the surrounding space was shrouded with a dark haze.
Afterwards, a hand stretched out from the floor and grabbed the dark elves feet.
And the dark elves were drawn into the floor.
My son, my sons there too!
Muyoung held Kalmoohs shoulder as he attempted to run into the arena.
Endure it.
B, but.
You fix and I fight.
I understand.
As he stressed their roles again, Kalmooh bit his lips and stepped back.
He knows how to use specter type skills.
It was a skill similar to his.
But unlike the 5th floor, he felt like he could continuously watch Oloness fight on the 4th floor.
If he gathered information and was well prepared, his chances of victory would increase.
Since the fight was already held back. It wasnt late to fight when he was more certain of his victory.
After witnessing this new side of Oloness, Muyoung started to leave once again.
Someone came to find them just as they arrived at their assigned room.
As soon as Kalmooh opened the door after hearing a knock, a man with an awkward expression came in and opened his mouth.
Umm, can we talk for a moment?
A very nervous look.
Muyoung looked at the visitor as if this was unexpected.
This person who had come to his room holding a cane while sweating was Bug.