Chapter 51: Fresh Meat
Chapter 51: Fresh Meat
Bang! Tang Mis fists viciously pounded the control board of the simulator, her face twisted in to a mask of rage.
Shed changed her account , chosen a saber-mecha, all to satisfy an urge. Lots of people did it, and they called them landmines; if you stepped on one, youre in for a bad time.
There have been those who have suggested action against this kind of behavior, adding a real-name system to DreamNet. This would ensure each Id number had only one account, but until now the DeamNet management authority hasnt approved. This was something that would affect all three Alliances. It wouldnt be an easy change.
Tang Mi definitely didnt expect to be the one stepping on a landmine. That Nooblet guy, who was he? Hes a bastard is what he is, an outright bastard!
had never been in a situation like this. She thought about the replay, about how hed chopped her up in to tiny cube-sized pieces, and she just wanted to disappear in to a hole somewhere.
Tang Mi
Who! Who! Who! Tang Mi screamed at the screen, alone in the virtual cockpit. She knew at the very least it was someone from the school, else they wouldnt have been able to enter the sim training yard. You could only get here by using one of the schools special simulators.
But the school was huge, how would she be able to find this Nooblet?
Tang Mi took a slow, deep breath to even her temper.
She could not suffer the presence of this enemy. He needed to be destroyed.
Her arm raised, and in the space of a moment her communicator was ringing a number.
Little Mi, whats up? A mans voice, simple and sincere, sputtered from the communicator.
Tang Mi audibly ground her teeth as she spoke. I dont care where you are, or what youre doing. Find a simulator and log in to DreamNet immediately. Find me in the university novice arena. Theres someone we need to humiliate.
Huh? Surprise was evident in the mans tone. The novice arena? Tang Mi, youre playing the landmine again, arent you. I told you before not to bother with that boring garbage. Why dont you listen. And what? You run in to another landmine that gave you a spanking? The man knew almost immediately what had happened from Tang Mis voice alone.
Are you coming or not?! she screeched.
You wouldnt be that way right? The mans voice sounded more surprised as the conversation continued. Spend all your time by the river and youre bound to get wet. Go cool down. Im in the middle of something.
Tang Xiao, your little sister was just turned to scrap metal by someone using the Brunois Assault. If you dont come in here right no and avenge me, youll wish you were dead. Ill tell Qianlin all about how you wet the bed until you were ten, and you wont have a ghost of a chance with her. You have an opportunity now that her engagement has broken off. I may not have much to offer to help get you two together, but at a word from me youll die alone! HAHAHAHA!
give me three minutes. The voice had suddenly turned serious. The communicator went silent, and Tang Mi re-entered DreamNet.
Just you wait Nooblet. If I cant beat you, then Ill call someone who can! Tang Xiaos a Master-Ranked mecha pilot and hell deal with you. You can bet your ass!
Lan Jue expertly stabbed his titanium blade through the brain box of his ninth opponent, bringing the match to an end.
Thats number nine! One more and its off to the intermediate arena.
If A-Cheng and them knew I was in here messing with newbies theyd have to pick their jaws up from the floor. Lan Jues face twisted in a strange smile. Man being a landmine was fun! Hah! Its been a long time since Ive seriously trained in a mecha. Next time I come in here Ill have to do it with a higher level account. This novice area hardly even counts as a warm-up. But its good practice for skills and mind-hand coordination. Give me a month and Ill be back at peak ability.
In the last three years hed undergone almost no effort towards cultivation or training. His Discipline may still raise of its own accord, but hed hardly practiced mecha operation. A lot of his skill was already deeply ingrained in his muscle memory, but hed still grown somewhat rusty.
Tenth fight, begin.
A light flashed from somewhere, and he appeared once more in a fresh arena. Once more his opponent was a saber-mecha, unfitted and fresh. It was the same as all the others, only that one fight with the Brunois assault had stirred him at all.
Fresh Meat. The name flickered above the saber-mechas head.
The guy must be shameless, Lan Jue thought. A smile touched his lips. Shamelessness was good. It meant they had a good mentality.
Youre that landmine, eh? The voice that echoed across the field was honest, simple, and carried in it a sort of quiet magnetism.
This was the first time since beginning that someone had spoken to him with the intention of holding a conversation. Lan Jue did not reply.
You want to be a landmine, you better be prepared for the consequences. Youve been bullying my little sister, and that means Im going to have to chop you in to little pieces! Fresh Meats Saber-Mecha strode forward, cross-stepped, then turned a full circle to stop with its shield across its chest and the titanium allow sword pointed towards the heavens.
Not bad eh? His adversarys voice was had a fair measure of pride.
The guy really is shameless, Lan Jue thought.
You didnt answer so I assume you agree. Time for your betters to get started. As he spoke, his mecha suddenly picked up speed, racing headlong towards Nooblet in a straight line.
Lan Jue narrowed his eyes, his curiosity clear. The guy had superior control over his mecha. There was no wasted movement, no wasted speed. He certainly liked to talk nonsense, but he had some skill.
Ah hey buddy, by the way something interesting happened today, Fresh Meat said as the distance closed between him and Lan Jue.
Lan Jue rasied a brow. Wasnt he here for revenge? What did he hear that could have anything to do with me?
Fresh Meat continued. We had a guy in class today who really needed to fart. Definitely a fart. Then she came upon an excellent idea; shed fart, and clap her hands at the same time to hide the sound. She reeled back and clapped and just as everyone turned their head to look at her, she let er rip!
Pfft! Lan Jue couldnt help but snort a laugh. At that moment the magnificent glint of a blade filled his vision, blinding him to the figure racing towards him and any means of escape. Lost in that split-second glare, Fresh Meats leg shot out and viciously connected with Nooblets mechanical groin.