Chapter 47: Prometheus
Chapter 47: Prometheus
Eastern Alliance, Planet An Lun
Rolling hills and stretching mountains surround a valley. Within the valley buzzes a world of metal; metal buildings, metal machinery, metal verti-cars. And massive metal mecha suits.
The valleys sky is torn by countless soaring peaks, the tallest among them lying to the west where its head was hidden by clouds.
Two people stood upon the summit of that great mountain.
Clouds and mist roiled like a floating sea, causing their figures to appear indistinct like spirits.
Chu Cheng stood with his hands in his pockets. The flickering light of a cigarette flickered through the mists, a fiery red like his hair.
So I guess you didnt just call me here to shoot the breeze with you, boss. Chu Chengs lazy drawl hung heavy in the surrounding clouds. He was always like this, no matter the situation, like hed just woken up.
A man stood a few paces from him, dressed in black military fatigues. He was tall, stocky, with wide shoulders and a straight back. However it did not approach the level of excessive he wasnt overly robust, but instead was like a javelin.
A golden star had been affixed to the epaulet of his uniform.
A general! This raven-haired man, certainly no older than thirty, was in fact a general.
As the era of science and technology progressed, it took a special level of talent and military ability to rise above the rabble.
By the estimation of most military organizations, a man at thirty was only beginning to work his way up the totem pole and nothing more. The average general in the Eastern Alliance was fifty-one. With the average life expectancy at one hundred and twenty, a thirty year-old general was unheard of.
How is he, the man asked, turning to face Chu Cheng.
His eyes were a viridescent green, and when paired with his black hair gave him a wicked appearance. However at present, their firm expression pushed the sinister light away. His face was stoic, weathered, as though it were chiseled by a knife. An almost imperceptible, oppressive power exuded from him like some indestructible blade.
Not so good. Chu Cheng lazily rubbed his nose, struggling for a response in the face of the mans piercing presence.
The raven-haired mans eyes softened somewhat. Three years, and he still hasnt come out?
Chu Chengs voice was thin as he responded. You know his temperament. If it were so easy to get him out why would we be worrying about him. Boss, if you have the time the best thing is to go see him yourself. You guys have your misunderstandings, but youve always been the most convincing. Not to mention youre his older brother by blood.*
The mans eyes once more grew cold and hard. He isnt wrong to blame me. It was my miscalculation that lead to Heras fall.
Chu Chengs brows creased. Boss, we all know what happened. You dont need to pile all the blame on your shoulders. Look, in three years he hasnt returned home but you? Three years in this camp, drilling your soldiers like a machine.
I called you here, the general growled, not so you can tell me how to live my life. His decadence, your lack of progress you both have your own messes to clean up.
Chu Cheng gulped, and subconsciously retreated a step. Youre mad at A-Jue boss, dont take it out on me!
This isnt me angry, the man responded faintly. My own abilities need honing, and luckily here you are. Show me how youve progressed these last few years.
As he spoke his long legs took him forward, and in that instant his green eyes shone with a dazzling light. The clouds around him dispersed, replaced with a towering column of blueish-green.
Boss, youre serious? Chu Cheng quailed, his standard indolent expression melting away. A blazing flame burst from his back. It began as a pure red, but in the face of that opulant teal pillar before him it became orange, then crimson, ultimately settling on an undulating maroon. The heart of the fires burned black.
The raven-haired man said nothing further. He lifted his hand, and the column of light melted in to his arm, blooming like a lotus flower to create a blazing spear of light that engulfed Chu Cheng.
In the valley, the bustling personnel paused to look when the peak of the western mountain was consumed in light.
In the space of a moment the entire horizon was tinted teal, and within it flickered a persistent maroon. The two coronas of colored energies clashed, and their fluctuating exchanges caused the clouds over the valley to flee.
Half an hour later
Boss, youre downright inhuman! Chu Cheng pressed a hand to his red, swollen face and sat on the ground with a sigh. His clothes were nearly in tatters.
Parts of the raven-haired mans clothes were burned and blackened, though he remained as straight and dignified as before theyd fought.
There was no will to fight. I derived no pleasure from beating you, the man responded flatly.
Chu Chengs face grew dark. You beat me then start talking down to me? How can anyone say you brothers are decent people? Youre bloodthirsty, and A-Jues a wolf in sheeps clothing, wicked smart to boot. Im outta here! And Im damn sure not coming back. If you feel bad, go take it out on your little brother.
Ill go find him, the man responded.
Chu Chung stood to leave, but stopped in surprise at the revelation. Youre really going to find him
The raven-haired man only nodded his head.
But I heard youre on the cusp of a promotion, Chu Cheng said. Can you even leave right now?
Whats in a title. The mans cold eyes fixed on Chu Cheng.
Chu Cheng stuck out his thumb. Good. You deserved to be called Prometheus.
Faintly the man responded. Out here, call me Lan Qing. Im only Prometheus in the field.
Prometheus, the god of wisdom!
Im off. Im looking forward to hear about when you beat on A-Jue. If ya like let me know when, and Ill go check out the festivities.
Lan Qing waved, and turned back towards the valley.
With the clouds gone the valley looked crisp and clear. The world of metal reflected sunlight off of every surface, their sharp rays absorbing his figure.
Chu Cheng stood quietly as them an left, and with a smile on his face flicked a middle finger at his back. He began to hobble his way down the mountain, but stopped after a few steps. A beam of red light shot down from the heavens, with a monstrous black figure standing in its center. A sanguine light glowed from it.
Among his four brothers, Chu Cheng also had a nickname
Hades, Lord of the Underworld.
*This seems a little clunky, but the distinction has to be made because the use of terms like brother and sister in China arent exclusively reserved for immediate family. These terms can also refer to cousins, good friends, etc.